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$25 Superpack: Survive the Apocalypse!
by CrimethInc Author, Jenny Forrester Author, Ariel Gore Author, Matte Resist Author, Super Pack! Author and Robert Wildwood Author
Earthquake, epidemic, zombies, societal collapse... anyone who makes it through alive is going to need some serious…
$46.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: Taking Back Pink
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Box Brown Author, Nicole Georges Author and Super Pack! Author
Our creative director (ahem, Joe) loves the color pink—the brighter the better, while also having an affinity for…
$49.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: Tales of New York City
by Greg Farrell Author, Ayun Halliday Author, Ben Nadler Author, Super Pack! Author and Lisa Wilde Author
These books and zines are all about different facets of life, work, and culture in New York City. Yo, Miss is Lisa…
$40.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: The Portland Pack
by Randy Albright Author, Alexander Barrett Author, Nate Beaty Author, Joe Biel Author and Shawn Granton Author
Here it is! Get yr Bicycles Allowed Full Lane patch, Zinester's Guide to Portland, This is Portland, and Aftermass with…
$35.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: The Railroad Life's for Me
by Aaron Dactyl Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author and Super Pack! Author
Study up on your freighthopping history, railroad graffiti interpretation, and hobo life of yesteryear and today. Follow…
$50.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: The World of Anne Elizabeth Moore
by The Ladydrawers Author and Anne Elizabeth Moore Author
The release of Threadbare: Clothes, Sex, and Trafficking introduces Anne Elizabeth Moore's reporting on the threads…
$32.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: Unlearn Colonial Histories
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, John Gerlach Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author
How can we decolonize the world when colonialist attitudes of self and other are so deeply embedded in our psyches? Open…
$40.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: Your Neurodiverse Friend
by Super Pack! Author and Joe Biel Series Editor
Get the first five issues of the compilation zine Your Neurodiverse Friend, bringing together perspectives and personal…
$25.80 $25.00

$30-$2000 Superpack: Slightly Damaged Books! (Distributed Books)
by Super Pack! Author and Various Author
Each year we receive 6,000 damaged books from other publishers—and we're passing the savings on to you! We've got…
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30-Second Weather: The 50 most significant phenomena and events, each explained in half a minute
by Adam Scaife Author
An introduction for the busy yet curious. Want to get beyond everyone's go-to small talk? Or answer your four-year-old's…
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$30 Superpack: Cleveland Stories
by Nick Perry Author, Super Pack! Author, Jason Look Author, Joe Biel Author, Eric Sandy Author and Ken Blaze Author
Ah, Cleveland. Chronically misunderstood, underappreciated, and lost in the shuffle with the other Ohio cities that…
$44.85 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction (Bikes in Space bundle)
by Elly Blue Series Editor
Feminist science fiction about ... bicycles? Yup! We're pleased to introduce this genre, and we think you'll be…
$40.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Henry & Glenn in Love
by Tom Neely Author, Super Pack! Author and Igloo Tornado Author
Get your fix of the greatest love story ever told! This superpack includes the original Henry & Glenn Forever book and…
$40.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Inoffensive Zines for Teens
by Super Pack! Author and Various Author
Need a bunch of zines for your own personal collection, as a gift for a teenager, or for a zine library, youth group,…
$60.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Intro to Adulting
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author, Raleigh Briggs Author and Anna Jo Beck Author
What is this thing called "adulting"? What are "life skills" anyway? We're pretty sure there's no objective list of…
$50.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Plants & How to Grow Them
by G.A. Woolson Author, Parker T. Barnes Author and Super Pack! Author
Learn to grow anything! The "How to Grow Them" series spells out the detailed choosing, tending, and appreciation of a…
$39.70 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Red State Relief
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Joe Carlough Author, Ally Shwed Author, Gwendolyn Olton Author, Dawson Barrett Author and Ibram X. Kendi Author
We've heard you, friends in red states. Times are not so easy. Tensions are high, state legislators and school boards…
$71.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Sex Ed Do-Over
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author, Super Pack! Author, Joyce Brabner Author and Eli Sachse Author
Did your sex education suck? Maybe you learned the joy of abstinence, or sat through harrowing tales of pregnancy and…
$41.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: Teenage Riot
by Dawson Barrett Author, Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Cristy C. Road Author and Super Pack! Author
We picked these books because being a teenager is a crappy deal and sometimes you have to figure out your own way…
$54.00 $30.00

$30 Superpack: The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting
by Joe Biel Author, Joseph E. Green Author, Mia Partlow Author, Nate Powell Author, Super Pack! Author and Michael Hoerger Author
Get all the in-print entries in this long-running zine series about always weird, often scary, and sometimes hilarious…
$45.00 $30.00

$35 Superpack: Rainbow of Books
by Alexander Barrett Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Aaron Dactyl Author, Isabelle Gauthier Author, Super Pack! Author, Eleanor C. Whitney Author and Helen Wildfell Author
We all could use more rainbows in our lives these days... so here's a rainbow of books for your shelf. They're more or…
$70.00 $35.00

$35 Superpack: Write Your Book!
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Ariel Gore Author, Jessie L. Kwak Author and Joe Biel Author
Writing a book? We know, this is a hard thing to do. Here are three of our best books about how to write your own.…
$48.00 $35.00

365 Days of Hoodoo: Daily Rootwork, Mojo & Conjuration
by Stephanie Rose Bird Author
Learn how to integrate Hoodoo into your everyday life with this manual! With information for people who are just…
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$40 Superpack: Color Your Heart Out
by Elly Blue Author, Katie Guinn Author, Taliah Lempert Author, Tom Neely Author, Meggyn Pomerleau Author and Super Pack! Author
Love to color? Get yourself a copy of all five coloring books we've published. Host a coloring party, give the gift of…
$71.00 $40.00

$40 Superpack: Relationships Workout
by Super Pack! Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Helen Wildfell Author
Work out your relationship kinks (pun intended) with this super pack of 3 books. Includes:Unfuck Your Intimacy: Using…
$46.85 $40.00

$45-$60 Superpack: Psyched About Healing
by Super Pack! Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
This bundle pulls together some of Dr. Faith G. Harper's classics about unfucking your brain, life, and body, plus some…
$74.75 $45.00

5-Minute Bliss: A More Joyful, Connected, and Fulfilled You in Just 5 Minutes a Day
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Fun, quick mindfulness techniques to find moments of peaceful joy throughout your day. Avoid burnout and improve your…
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5-Minute Calm: A More Peaceful, Rested, and Relaxed You in Just 5 Minutes a Day
Quick, non-overwhelming techniques to tame your anxiety and find pockets of peacefulness throughout your hectic day. …
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5-Minute Yoga: A More Energetic, Focused, and Balanced You in Just 5 Minutes a Day
Discover 100 yoga sequences to take a meaningful break to refresh your body and mind in only five minutes. Each sequence…
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$5 Superpack: 5 Random Ebooks
by Super Pack! Author and Various Author
Like ebooks? We've made them for a whole bunch of our books. For five bucks, we'll send you five random ones. Enjoy!
$29.95 $4.99