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Unfuck Your Masculinity: How Cultural Bullshit Fucks Up Men's Body Image; What to Look For and What to Do About It
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author
Body image problems and eating disorders have long been considered mostly to be women's problems. But did you know that…
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STI FAQ: Keep Calm and Learn Real Facts About Sexually Transmitted Diseases
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author and Bonnie Scott Author
Got an STI (sexually transmitted infection)? Or just worried you'll get one? In this informative and crass zine, two sex…
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$30 Superpack: Sex Ed Do-Over
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author, Super Pack! Author, Joyce Brabner Author and Eli Sachse Author
Did your sex education suck? Maybe you learned the joy of abstinence, or sat through harrowing tales of pregnancy and…
$41.00 $30.00