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Joyce Brabner and her family are the subject of the 2004 HBO film American Splendor about her and her late-husband, Harvey Pekar, and their life spent expanding the comic book medium beyond superheroes. She is the author of numerous books, including Our Cancer Year and nonfiction comic collaborations with Alan Moore, among many others. She lives in Cleveland, OH.

Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me
by Joyce Brabner Author, Harvey Pekar Author and JT Waldman Illustrator
A story that simultaneously blends autobiography, history, art, graphic novel, this is the story of the author Harvey…
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The Courage Party: Helping Our Resilient Children Understand and Survive Sexual Assault
by Joyce Brabner Author and Gerta Oparaku Egy Illustrator
The Courage Party is a "gently explicit" book about sexual abuse, written for kids to read alone or (better) with a…
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Second Avenue Caper: When Goodfellas, Divas, and Dealers Plotted Against the Plague
by Joyce Brabner Author and Mark Zingarelli Illustrator
A nonfiction graphic novel tale of a group of friends who smuggled an experimental AIDS drug from Mexico to the US in…
Our Cancer Year
by Harvey Pekar Author, Joyce Brabner Author and Frank Stack Illustrator
In the year of Desert Storm, a man known for documenting the absurdities of everyday life learns he has cancer, which…
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$30 Superpack: Sex Ed Do-Over
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author, Super Pack! Author, Joyce Brabner Author and Eli Sachse Author
Did your sex education suck? Maybe you learned the joy of abstinence, or sat through harrowing tales of pregnancy and…
$41.00 $30.00

Good Trouble: Building a Successful Life and Business with Autism
by Joe Biel Author, Joyce Brabner Foreword and Sander Hicks Foreword
The history of Microcosm Publishing, from its origins as a record label and zine distro in Joe Biel's bedroom closet in…
$14.95 29 comments
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