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Ashley Rowe Palafox, the author of the book Barefoot and in the Kitchen: Vegan Recipes for You and Cook Your Own Fucking Life: Vegan Comfort Food to Feed Yourself and Build Community, is a long-time zine-maker and comic-drawer. Ashley came to veganism via punk rock as a teenager in Los Angeles (before it was a vegan food destination) and majored in Community Studies at UC Santa Cruz before settling in Oakland, CA. Ashley co-founded and ran Fat Bottom Bakery from 2009 to 2014, and she has worked in fields from radical publishing to vegan food, and now the clinical laboratory.

Cook Your Own Fucking Life: Vegan Comfort Food Recipes to Feed Yourself and Build Community
by Ashley Rowe Palafox Author
For scrappy, can-do vegans on a budget, this essential cookbook eschews fancy ingredients and gets back to basics. It's…
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$30 Superpack: Intro to Adulting
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author, Raleigh Briggs Author and Anna Jo Beck Author
What is this thing called "adulting"? What are "life skills" anyway? We're pretty sure there's no objective list of…
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$20 Superpack: Self-Quarantine Self-Care
by Super Pack! Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
We see you! Working from home, diligently disinfecting doorknobs, crafting with the kiddos, talking to the houseplants,…
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$25 Superpack: Foolproof Cookbooks
by Super Pack! Author, Sandor Ellix Katz Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author and Ashley Rowe Palafox Author
So.... you are learning to cook. Congrats! Here's a selection of three cookbooks featuring meals you can make using…
$34.00 $25.00

As You Were #3: A Punk Comix Anthology
by Mitch Clem Author, Steve Larder Author, Liz Prince Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author and Ben Snakepit Author
“Big, Big Changes” is the theme of the third issue of Mitch Clem's As You Were comics anthology zine, and boy does…
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Alive with Vigor: Surviving Your Adventurous Lifestyle
by Robert Wildwood Editor, Buck Angel Contributor, Joe Biel Contributor, Natalye Childress Contributor, Cheyenne Winters Contributor, 3 more
Alive With Vigor! compiles stories of surviving—and thriving—from a wide spectrum of contributors. Deeply personal…
$9.95 1 comment
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Barefoot and in the Kitchen: Vegan Recipes for You
by Ashley Rowe Palafox Author
This heavily illustrated vegan cookbook is packed with delicious recipes and entertaining essays. Not at all an…
$8.95 8 comments
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