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Mat Resist is the author of the zine Resist and the book How and Why. He lives in Minneapolis and often updates his blog on a variety of subjects.

$25-40-60 Superpack: Owning Our Damage Warehouse Sale! (Published Books)
by Super Pack! Author, Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author, Jane Goodall Author, 8 more
10 books worth $130, yours for just $40... it doesn't get much better than that! Here's a snapshot of publishing…
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Resist #48: Minneapolis from the Saddle - A Winter Cycling Journal
by Matte Resist Author
Anyone who's ever visited the Twin Cities in the winter knows that what people mean by 'cold' just about everywhere else…
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Resist #50
by Matte Resist Author
In this fiftieth issue of Resist, Mat has compiled stories, recipes, DIY instructions, and reminiscences into one volume…
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Sticker #082Resist
by Matte Resist Author
Resist because compliance is not an option. (Sturdy vinyl sticker with black or pink print on a white background. Reads:…
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big patch #055One Less Car
by Matte Resist Author
One less car means contributing towards a world with less pollution and becoming more eco friendly. Two wheels on the…
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Patch #055One Less Car
by Matte Resist Author
There’s always a time to celebrate bicycles! Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered why it looked a little…
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$20 Superpack: Summertime DIY
by Raleigh Briggs Author, Bert Davis Author, Holly Davis Author, Matte Resist Author, Erik Spellmeyer Author and Super Pack! Author
Stay busy and happy this summer with these four DIY guides to stuff you can do outdoors, or with the windows open. How…
$46.00 $20.00

Sticker #083One Less Car
by Matte Resist Author
"One less car" reads Matte Resist's iconic image, a block print silhouette of a bicyclist cruising happily away.…
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$25 Superpack: Survive the Apocalypse!
by CrimethInc Author, Jenny Forrester Author, Ariel Gore Author, Matte Resist Author, Super Pack! Author and Robert Wildwood Author
Earthquake, epidemic, zombies, societal collapse... anyone who makes it through alive is going to need some serious…
$46.00 $25.00

$25 Superpack: Anytime Gardening!
by Heron Brae Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author, Robyn Jasko Author, Matte Resist Author and Super Pack! Author
We know you're hungry but with a little planning ahead and this superpack that will be no problem! Start out…
$40.00 $25.00 1 comment

How and Why: A Do-It-Yourself Guide
by Matte Resist Author
“I dream of a better world,” writes zinester and How and Why author Matte Resist in the intro to his new book. He…
$14.00 4 comments
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Pin #116One Less Car
by Matte Resist Author
One Less Car. One more bike! Wear your support for cycling with this 1" round pinback button handmade in the USA!
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