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The Social Media Detox Tracker: A Journal to Stop Mindless Scrolling, Set Healthy Goals, and Take Back Your Time!
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
This tracker helps users monitor their social media usage and its impact on mental health. By recording daily screen…
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The Book of Patience: 250 Ways to a More Patient You
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Being patient means being able to face challenges and adversity with calm and ease. While regarded as a virtue, this…
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Midnight Meditations: Calm Your Thoughts, Still Your Body, and Return to Sleep
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Good sleep is what we need to be healthy and happy—but it can be so elusive! This book contains 150 exercises to help…
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The Illustrated Book of Mindful Meditation for Mindless Moments
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Instead of carving out time from your day for meditation, this book shows how you can make the most of mindless, boring…
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My Pocket Meditations for Self-Compassion: Anytime Exercises for Self-Acceptance, Kindness, and Peace
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Give your inner critic a break and offer yourself kindness and acceptance instead with these 150 guided meditations and…
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My Pocket Gratitude: Anytime Exercises for Awareness, Appreciation, and Joy
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Gratitude scientifically changes your brain! Practicing every day helps us better handle stressful and negative…
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5-Minute Bliss: A More Joyful, Connected, and Fulfilled You in Just 5 Minutes a Day
by Courtney E. Ackerman Author
Fun, quick mindfulness techniques to find moments of peaceful joy throughout your day. Avoid burnout and improve your…
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