Mutual Aid, Not Mutual Funds

by Joe Biel Author

Throw each other a life preserver sometimes, because we're all in this together.Put this magnet on your fridge, your…


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End the Occupation

A magnetic reminder for your fridge or filing cabinet that ethnonationalism, apartheid, and settler colonialism are…


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Autism Acceptance

by Joe Biel Author

Show your support for people on the autism spectrum and other neurodiverse people with this magnet. Stick it on your…


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All Cats are Beautiful

Everybody knows that all cats are beautiful! And of course, cats aren't fans of cops either. Celebrate your feline…


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How to Make a Decision

by Joe Biel Author

It's not always easy to make the right choice. It's not always easy to know what your choices are! But with this helpful…


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Do No Harm Take No Shit

A motto to live by. Slap this magnet on your fridge, your dishwasher, or wherever else it'll stick, and announce your…


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Feminist Solidarity Fist

Smash the patriarchy and show your solidarity with the feminist movement with this magnet! Grab one today and give it as…


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Queer Witch

If you're a powerful queer witch, let the world know! Celebrate your magical queerness with this cute magnet. Stick it…


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I Support My Local Independent Bookstore

Announce it loud and proud! Supporting local and independent booksellers gets more important every year, as big internet…


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Transgender Pride Flag

Show your trans pride with this Microcosm-themed take on the Progress Pride Flag. With the Microcosm logo and colors…


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Fix Shit Up

Why throw shit away when you can fix shit up? Announce your DIY sustainability ethos to the world with this magnet.…


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What Should I Do Next?

by Joe Biel Author

Everybody gets bogged down in tasks from time to time and feels uncertain about how to start their long list of to-dos.…


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When Life is Shit, Remember That Shit is the Best Fertilizer

Sometimes life doesn't just give you lemons. It gives you a whole lot of shit. But this friendly and helpful magnet is…


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How to Recognize What You Need

by Joe Biel Author

It's not always easy to know what you need. We go through our day, and we feel tired, cranky, paralyzed with indecision,…


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Stagnating vs Effective Leadership

Effective leadership takes a lot of different forms, but it isn't always easy to know if you're succeeding as a leader…


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Bad Witch

Are you a real bad witch? Grab a magnet and tell the whole world you're up to no good. Stick it on your fridge, your…


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Ronald Reagan's Grave is a Gender Neutral Bathroom

For a man who did so much to make queer folks' lives difficult during his lifetime, he sure has done a lot in his death…


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Good Witch

Share your good witch vibes with the world with this new magnet! Stick it up on your fridge, your dishwasher, or…


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No Bullshit

Let everyone know where you stand on the question of bullshit. You're against it. A reasonable position. Slap this…


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Green Witch Magnet

Are you a green witch? Do you grow your own herbs for potions and concoctions? Do you draw on the earth's magical…


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Revolution Between the Lines

Reading is revolutionary! Celebrate the power of good writing with this typewriter-themed magnet. Stick it on your…


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If I Had a Hammer, I'd Smash Patriarchy

What else are hammers good for? Smash that patriarchy with this clever magnet. Stick it on your fridge, your dishwasher,…


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Free Palestine

Demonstrate your solidarity with the Palestinian cause and stand with displaced and marginalized peoples against…


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Scarcity v Abundance

by Joe Biel Author

It's easy to find ourselves thinking that life is a zero sum game. The more one person has, the less another has.…


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Be Gay Do Crime

Be gay and do crime with this sassy and subversive magnet. Celebrate your queer criminality, and put the straight,…


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Babe with the Power

Are you the babe with the power? Well, then let everyone know! Slap this cool new magnet up on your fridge or wherever…


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Queer as in Fuck the Police

What more is there to say? Fuck the police! Slap this magnet on your fridge or wherever else you please and make sure…


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Be Crime Do Gay

Be gay, do crime? No. Be crime and do gay!! Celebrate your queer criminality (or criminal queerness!) with this sassy…


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Is This a Problem?

by Joe Biel Author

Ever get overwhelmed by a situation? Not sure how to resolve it, or even evaluate it? This helpful magnet set with a…


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