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Shay Sarah Mirk is a graphic journalist, editor, and teacher. They are the author of several books and is a somewhat obsessive zine-maker whose comics have been featured in The Nib, The New Yorker, Bitch, and NPR. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @sarahmirk.

$40 Superpack: Relationships Workout
by Super Pack! Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Helen Wildfell Author
Work out your relationship kinks (pun intended) with this super pack of 3 books. Includes:Unfuck Your Intimacy: Using…
$46.85 $40.00

Sex From Scratch: Making Your Own Relationship Rules
by Shay Sarah Mirk Author
Modern life calls for modern relationship advice. Sex From Scratch is a love and dating guidebook that gleans real-life…
$16.95 7 comments
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Be Gay Do Comics: Queer History, Memoir, and Satire from The Nib
by The Nib Series Editor, Shay Sarah Mirk Editor, Matt Bors Author, Matt Lubchansky Author, Eleni Harris Author, 4 more
A big, super-nice, full-color comics anthology with all kinds of stories of stupendous queerness. Learn about some…
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Guantanamo Voices: True Accounts from the World's Most Infamous Prison
by Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Various Author
In January 2002, the United States sent a group of Muslim men they suspected of terrorism to a prison in Guantánamo…
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Year of Zines: In which Sarah Mirk (That's Me!) Somewhat Obsessively Tries to Make a Zine Every Day For a Year
by Shay Sarah Mirk Author
After spending a year making one zine every day, Sarah Mirk collected her favorite 100 of them into this bright yellow…
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The Nib: Scams
by The Nib Series Editor, Julia Bernhard Contributor, Matt Bors Editor, Michael Kupperman Contributor, Shay Sarah Mirk Contributor, Brian McFadden Contributor and Joey Alison Sayers Contributor
This issue of The Nib explores scams and how pervasive they are in our everyday lives. Featuring: Pyramid schemes, Yoni…
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Open Earth
by Shay Sarah Mirk Author
Get your sexy sci-fi fix with this erotica graphic novel set in space, written by Sex From Scratch author Sarah Mirk.…
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Sex Life Level-Up Starter Pack
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author, Eli Sachse Author, Super Pack! Author and Helen Wildfell Author
Sex and relationships make the world go round! We're proud to offer an array of inclusive, queer-friendly books and…
$300.00 $150.00

Drink More Water - Be More Honest: 30 Lessons From My 20s
by Shay Sarah Mirk Author
Sarah Mirk shares the most important things she learned in her twenties, from the basics like flossing and buying a real…
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$20 Superpack: Breakup Remedy
by Natalye Childress Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author
Uh oh. Suddenly you're single. Maybe you saw it coming a mile away, or maybe it broadsided you. Maybe you're picking…
$34.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Healthy Relationships
by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author
We are all on what feels like a lifelong quest towards finding those perfectly healthy relationships—the people around…
$34.00 $20.00