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Helen Wildfell is a writer and high school librarian with a passion for education on gender, sexuality, and consent. She currently lives in San Diego with her husband and their pets - a goofy basset mix and a very demanding cat.

Consensuality Workbook: How to Love Other People Without Losing Yourself
by Helen Wildfell Author
Learn about yourself and improve your relationships in these thoughtful exercises. Explore your current relationships,…
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$40 Superpack: Relationships Workout
by Super Pack! Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Helen Wildfell Author
Work out your relationship kinks (pun intended) with this super pack of 3 books. Includes:Unfuck Your Intimacy: Using…
$46.85 $40.00

Consensuality: How to Love Other People Without Losing Yourself
by Helen Wildfell Author
There are infinite possibilities in human relationships, but the fairytale ideal of companionship does not exist for…
$14.95 2 comments
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Sex Life Level-Up Starter Pack
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author, Eli Sachse Author, Super Pack! Author and Helen Wildfell Author
Sex and relationships make the world go round! We're proud to offer an array of inclusive, queer-friendly books and…
$300.00 $150.00

$35 Superpack: Rainbow of Books
by Alexander Barrett Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Aaron Dactyl Author, Isabelle Gauthier Author, Super Pack! Author, Eleanor C. Whitney Author and Helen Wildfell Author
We all could use more rainbows in our lives these days... so here's a rainbow of books for your shelf. They're more or…
$70.00 $35.00

$20 Superpack: Deconstruct Gender
by Annie Danger Author, Alix Kemp Author, Super Pack! Author, Helen Wildfell Author and Robert Wildwood Author
Gender, what's it all about anyway? What does it mean, why do people get so worked up about it, and what can we all do…
$32.00 $20.00