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Lisa Wilde has a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, an M.A. from Columbia University, and an MsEd from Hunter College. She was inspired to create "Yo, Miss" after joining the staff at Wildcat Academy, a second chance high school in New York City. A Wisconsin native, Lisa moved to Brooklyn in her twenties and still lives there with her husband and son. More about Lisa can be found on her website.

(We’ve All Got) Baggage: Envisioning an Ideal Community and Engaging It With Our Own Problems and Hangups
by Dawson Barrett Author, Joe Biel Author, Joseph E. Green Author, Cheyenne Winters Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, 6 more
If Microcosm was a person, they'd be in their early twenties, chock full of the messy connotations that this era of…
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Yo, Miss #6: Changes, Vengeance, Trump, & The Eumenides
by Lisa Wilde Author
A continuation of the author's experiences teaching at a second-chance high school in Lower Manhattan, this edition…
$4.00 1 comment
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$25 Superpack: Tales of New York City
by Greg Farrell Author, Ayun Halliday Author, Ben Nadler Author, Super Pack! Author and Lisa Wilde Author
These books and zines are all about different facets of life, work, and culture in New York City. Yo, Miss is Lisa…
$40.00 $25.00

Yo, Miss: A Graphic Look At High School
by Kaycee Eckhardt Foreword and Lisa Wilde Author
Yo, Miss: A Graphic Look at High School takes the reader inside Wildcat Academy, a second chance high school in New York…
$14.95 21 comments
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