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Justseeds is an artists' cooperative that focuses on environmental, social, and political engagement. Its thirty artists hail from Canada, Mexico, and the United States, and each of them bring their own unique methods and viewpoints to the table to create unified work and collective action. Just Seeds aids grassroots fights for justice by contributing graphics, produces collective portfolios, builds sculptural installations and wheatpaste, and helps each other out by offering daily support, allyship, and friendship.

Republic Windows and Doors Occupation
by Author
This poster, part of the Celebrate People's History series, depicts the workers of the Republic Windows and Doors…
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$30 Superpack: Teenage Riot
by Dawson Barrett Author, Author, Erica Dawn Lyle Author, Cristy C. Road Author and Super Pack! Author
We picked these books because being a teenager is a crappy deal and sometimes you have to figure out your own way…
$54.00 $30.00

$25 Superpack: Occupy History
by Joe Biel Author, Author, Mia Partlow Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Abner Smith Author and Bec Young Author
A fabulous set about various heroic and duplicitous deeds! From Firebrands to six in print volumes of the CIA Makes…
$35.00 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Feminist Power
by Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Cristy C. Road Author and Super Pack! Author
An interest in Feminism means you probably like to learn, so we're giving you a range of reading material: Brutal (and…
$32.00 $20.00 1 comment