$25 Superpack: Taking Back Pink
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Box Brown Author, Nicole Georges Author and Super Pack! Author
Our creative director (ahem, Joe) loves the color pink—the brighter the better, while also having an affinity for colors that the rest of us read as pink and that Joe distinguishes with terms like "salmon" and "Hollywood cerise." As a result, many of our book covers sport various shades and varieties of the color pink. For fellow fans, this superpack is for you, featuring a variety of reading that will look great on your bookshelf and fill your brain with a renaissance of facts and ideas.
Here are the books and zines you'll get:
Manspressions - Dictionary of portMANteaux for the microaggressions that make up the patriarchy, by king of pink Joe Biel and Elly Blue
A Guide to Picking Locks #2 - A classic guide to getting in or out of any room
Bipedal, by Pedal #3 - Joe Biel's history of Portland's bicycle activism, written to supplement his feature film, Aftermass
So Raw It's Downright Filthy - Joshua Ploeg's raw vegan recipes accompanied by photos of garbage
Dwelling Portably 2008-2012 - Bert and Holly Davis live off the land and so do the many readers who submit tips to their collected newsletters
Invincible Summer #2 - Nicole Georges' comix memoir of being cool, queer, and into zines and small dogs in Portland of yore
Everything Dies #7 - Box Brown's floppy comic tells a harrowing and kinda funny Sumerian flood myth
And so you can literally wear your pink pride on your sleeve, you'll get a pink patch ... of our choice!
Looking for more pink books? Here's a full list of our offerings.
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