$30 Superpack: Inoffensive Zines for Teens
by Super Pack! Author and Various Author
Need a bunch of zines for your own personal collection, as a gift for a teenager, or for a zine library, youth group, high school class, or library program? Need to make sure that said zines aren't going to bring a deluge of parental wrath upon you? This superpack is for you! We'll pick you out a selection of 15 zines on a wide variety of topics that will not offend the parents of teenagers.
Note that these zines are not going to be about the issues teens are most keen to learn about: sex, periods, and gender for instance. We'll have a separate superpack for that, soon. We built this one for those conservative school district libraries. Note that there may be a little cussing and plenty of complicated social issues inside the zines, because life is real. But we'll steer clear of anything illegal or unsuitable for conservative parents to know their teens are up to.
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