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Anna Jo Beck is an illustrator and magazine designer residing in Chicago, IL. Her work has been featured in The New Yorker, Chicago Reader, Boston Dig, and Netflix, as well as awarded by American Illustration. She is also authors the how-to zine series Biff Boff Bam Sock and is an organizer of the Chicago Zine Fest. Find more information on Anna and her work at

$30 Superpack: Intro to Adulting
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What is this thing called "adulting"? What are "life skills" anyway? We're pretty sure there's no objective list of…
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Broke, Not Broken: Personal Finance for the Creative, Confused, Underpaid, and Overwhelmed
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A compassionate, friendly, and even fun book about personal finance for the overwhelmed. In a world with fewer and…
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Personal Finance: A Not Boring and Very Important Introduction
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Let Biff Boff Bam Sock's not boring and very important introduction to personal finance guide you through the perils of…
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Biff Boff Bam Sock Issue 9: Know Your Vote - A Workbook to Get to Know Your Elected Officials
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Do you get overwhelmed by your choices at election time? Learn how to get your vote out there—this nicely designed…
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For Your Health: Making Sense of American Health Insurance (Biff Boff Bam Sock #8)
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Health insurance is challenging to understand and navigate when trying to find the right coverage for you, your family…
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Hoja de Trampas: Biff Boff Bam Sock: Issue 6: Spanish Grammar
by Anna Jo Beck Author
Hoja de Trampas, or "sheet of cheats" is a reference guide for intermediate Spanish grammar. 40 pages from basics to…
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