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$20 Superpack: Breakup Remedy
by Natalye Childress Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author
Uh oh. Suddenly you're single. Maybe you saw it coming a mile away, or maybe it broadsided you. Maybe you're picking…
$34.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Deconstruct Gender
by Annie Danger Author, Alix Kemp Author, Super Pack! Author, Helen Wildfell Author and Robert Wildwood Author
Gender, what's it all about anyway? What does it mean, why do people get so worked up about it, and what can we all do…
$32.00 $20.00

The Beer Bible: The Essential Beer Lover's Guide, Including Over 100 Types to Know, Arranged Style by Style
by Jeff Alworth Author
No other book of this depth and scope approaches the subject of beer in the same way that beer lovers do—by style,…
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$20 Superpack: Live Your Dream!
by John Isaacson Author, Caroline Moore Author, Super Pack! Author and Eleanor C. Whitney Author
Got an idea for a project but you're not sure how to make it work on a practical (and, let's face it, financial) level?…
$37.90 $20.00

$25 Superpack: Cozy Reading for Busy People
by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Super Pack! Author and Bob Suren Author
During the grey days of winter, or those darker days in your life, the best remedy is often just curling up with a good…
$51.80 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Couch Traveler
by Alexander Barrett Author, Bill Brown Author, Aaron Dactyl Author and Super Pack! Author
Got the urge to see the world but no time or money just now? We feel you! Satisfy and stoke your travel urge from the…
$32.80 $20.00

Pedal Zombies: Thirteen Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories
by Elly Blue Editor, Amelia Greenhall Contributor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Maddy Spencer Contributor and Emily June Street Contributor
In the not-so-distant future, when gasoline is no longer available, humans turn to two-wheeled vehicles to transport…
$9.95 6 comments
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Should I Stay or Should I Go?: A Guide to Knowing if Your Relationship Can—and Should—be Saved
by Lundy Bancroft Author and JAC Patrissi Author
Let's face it, if you're asking the question in the title, you probably already know the answer. But maybe not—if you…
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This Is Shanghai: What It's Like To Live In The World's Most Populous City
by Alexander Barrett Author
This is Shanghai is a firsthand account of expat life in China's (and the world's) largest city! Like a guidebook, it…
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The Culinary Cyclist: A Cookbook and Companion for the Good Life
by Anna Brones Author and Johanna Kindvall Illustrator
"The rules for living well, if you can call them that, are simple and a pleasure to follow. Eat local and mostly plants.…
$9.95 11 comments
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Underground: The Subterranean Culture of DIY Punk Shows
by Daniel Makagon Author
Underground is all about the history and future of DIY punk touring in the USA. Daniel Makagon explores the culture of…
$14.95 20 comments
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$20 Superpack: Jeff's Emotional Rollercoaster Pack!
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Robert Earl Sutter III Author, Meggyn Pomerleau Author and Super Pack! Author
Here are somemore of Jeff's Favorites. In this one he'd like to take you through the full spectrum of emotion.…
$30.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Film Makin' Pack!
by Joe Biel Author, Bill Brown Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Alice Isley Author, Rev Phil Sano Author and Super Pack! Author
This is another one of Jeff's Favs Packs. Joe Biel is the genius behind the movie Aftermass. But did you know that Jeff…
$32.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Jeff's Music & Humor Pack!
by Dan Abbott Author, Jason Chandler Author, Jeff Hayes Author, Rob Morton Author, Tom Neely Author, Corbett Redford Author and Super Pack! Author
These are some of Jeff's music and humor favorites. Obviously H&GF&E is an easy one, being as it is hilarious, musically…
$38.85 $20.00

$25 Superpack: Chronic Illness Support Group
by Joe Biel Author, Heron Brae Author, Ben Holtzman Author, Sandor Ellix Katz Author and Super Pack! Author
A collection of books and zines specially selected for people who are living with chronic illness and want a dose of…
$35.00 $25.00

Xerography Debt #37
by Davida G. Breier Author
"We don’t just blindly provide 'good' reviews—we’re here to support a community and foster its members. If your…
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Teenage Rebels: Stories of Successful High School Activists From the Little Rock 9 to the Class of Tomorrow
by Dawson Barrett Author
Teenage Rebels provides a glimpse into the laws, policies, and political struggles that have shaped the lives of…
$11.95 6 comments
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Manspressions: Decoding Men's Behavior
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author and Meggyn Pomerleau Illustrator
You've heard of mansplaining, but what about manstitutions? From manologues to manversations, mantrums to manger, the…
$9.95 2 comments
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Hot Pants: Do It Yourself Gynecology
by Isabelle Gauthier Author, Lisa Vinebaum Author with JJ Pursell and Jennifer Baumgardner Foreword
A thorough and classic examination on tried and true herbal treatments for common gynecological problems, as well as…
$9.95 6 comments
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Everyday Bicycling: Ride a Bike for Transportation (Whatever Your Lifestyle)
by Elly Blue Author
Everyday Bicycling is your guide to everything you need to know to get started riding a bicycle for transportation. Elly…
$9.95 21 comments
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$20 Superpack: Light a Fire!
by Dawson Barrett Author, John Gerlach Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author
Celebrate whatever independence you've got by reading some books that'll set off mental fireworks and get you moving and…
$25.90 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Heartache, Hope & Rage
by Natalye Childress Author, Cindy Crabb Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Keith Rosson Author and Super Pack! Author
Some days, everything is so intense you need a homeopathic remedy just to get by much less to rise above. We present…
$54.00 $20.00

Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water
by Marc Reisner Author
This updated study of the economics, politics, and ecology of water explores more than a century of both public and…
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Crate Digger: An Obsession with Punk Records
by Bob Suren Author
In this engaging memoir, a small town Florida teenager discovers punk rock through a loaned mix tape and before long,…
$14.95 33 comments
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Touring Band Merch Table
Band going on tour? Expand your merch table with a display case of Microcosm books, zines, stickers, buttons, and…
$200.00 $100.00

$20 Superpack: The Life-Changing Magic of Fixing Shit Up
by Elly Blue Author, Heron Brae Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Shelley Lynn Jackson Author and Anna Ricklin Author
Ready to get tidy but don't want to chuck all your stuff into a landfill? Open your eyes to the life-changing magic of…
$24.00 $20.00

A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster
by Rebecca Solnit Author
Most of us probably think of disasters as times when social order breaks down, when neighbors turn on each other, when…
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$20 Superpack: Teacher power-up
by Kaycee Eckhardt Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Dave Roche Author and Super Pack! Author
Got a teacher in your life? Do they love their job and know its value, but always seem to be verging on overwhelmed,…
$30.00 $20.00

$25 Superpack: Unlearn Colonial Histories
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, John Gerlach Author, Anne Elizabeth Moore Author, Justseeds Author and Super Pack! Author
How can we decolonize the world when colonialist attitudes of self and other are so deeply embedded in our psyches? Open…
$40.00 $25.00