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$20 Superpack: Deconstruct Gender

by Annie Danger Author, Alix Kemp Author, Super Pack! Author, Helen Wildfell Author and Robert Wildwood Author

Gender, what's it all about anyway? What does it mean, why do people get so worked up about it, and what can we all do…

$32.00 $20.00

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Genderfailz #1: A Transguy's First Appointment

by Alix Kemp Author

Alix is a transguy struggling against a limited and restrictive healthcare system. Genderfailz #1 is written about his…


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Genderfailz #2: Call Outs and Clever Titles

by Alix Kemp Author

Alix is a self-described "polycurious transguy...who refuses to pick a sexual orientation." Gendrfailz is his zine about…


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