Xerography Debt #37
by Davida G. Breier Author
"We don’t just blindly provide 'good' reviews—we’re here to support a community and foster its members. If your zine is reviewed,you earned that ink. Keep up the good work!" opens this issue of the review zine with perzine tendencies. Since 1999, Davida Gypsy Breier's H.P. history-preserving tar in Xerography Debt might be best summarized as an obsession for all involved, none of which are likely to be as wealthy as the preserved zine king depicted on the cover. Billy da Bling Bunny Roberts recently said "It's the glue that holds the zine community together." Maintaining three issues per year, the 37th issue of Xerography Debt is still the same ol' charming personality, allowing a hand-picked cast of contributors to wax philosophical about the zines they love, where those zines find them in their lives, the history of Irish zines, and incessantly complain about postage increases. The reviewers hand-select hundreds of zines to write about and the result is enthusiastic, satisfying, and under-saturated! In an age of blogs and tweets, Xerography Debt is a beautiful, earnest anachronism, a publication that seems to come from a different era, but is firmly entrenched in the now. And they want to review your zines in future issues: Davida Gypsy Breier / PO Box 347 / Glen Arm, MD 21057
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