Pedal Zombies: Thirteen Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction Stories
by Elly Blue Editor, Amelia Greenhall Contributor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Maddy Spencer Contributor and Emily June Street Contributor
In the not-so-distant future, when gasoline is no longer available, humans turn to two-wheeled vehicles to transport goods, seek glory, and defend their remaining communities. In another version of the future, those with the zombie virus are able to escape persecution and feel almost alive again on two wheels. In yet another scenario, bicycles themselves are reanimated and roam the earth. A talented array of writers bring their diverse visions to this volume: sometimes scary, sometimes spooky, sometimes hilarious, always on two wheels. If you love The Walking Dead but can't figure out why nobody's riding bicycles, this book is for you.
The zombie apocalypse will be pedal-powered! And feminist! Watch out!
Edited by Elly Blue and featuring an exciting and talented collection of new and returning authors. Scary zombie cover by Amelia Greenhall.
Looking for more feminist bicycle science fiction? Check out the original Bikes in Space zine and also the bigger, bookier Volume 2, each with its own unique collection of stories. And check out our first full-length sci fi novel, Emily June Street's The Velocipede Races. And now there's a fourth volume of stories: Biketopia!)
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Comments & Reviews
"Some of the stories are scary, while others are hilarious. There’s a real mixture to keep you entertained, and the nice thing is that a collection of short stories is easy to dip into whenever you have only a short amount of time to spare."
"A thrilling and fun book!...Each story speaks different voices which will boost up your adrenaline."
"The stories range from funny to horrifying, satirical to poignant...it was great fun, and I highly recommend it!"
"The collection does a superlative job. The 13 short stories that follow are the feminist bicycle science fiction stories I’ve been waiting for my entire life, without even knowing it. This is not an exaggeration. They’re just really, really good. At multiple points in my reading, I found myself drawing hearts in the margins or laughing out loud with sheer delight. The feminism reflected in these pages is my feminism: intelligent, inclusive, and women-centered."
"It’s short stories (and a comic) so again, a range of voices, and if you’ve ever wondered what would have if bikes developed AI, there’s one in here for you. Badass women on bikes in dystopian futures? What’s not to love?"
"Yep, all our lives needed to be complete was a bunch of YA feminist stories featuring badass heroines, zombies and bicycles...this anthology is so smart and sassy that (a) it doesn’t need training wheels and (b) the only thing it requires is your brainnnnssss…"