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John Isaacson has been screenprinting on t-shirts, paper, and tree bark for over fifteen years. He is an educator, cartoonist, and musician living in Berkeley, California. He has previously lived in Ireland, Peru, Chile and China, and is currently at work making comics, T-shirts, and teaching afterschool writing and cartooning classes. His many projects can be found online at

$20 Superpack: Creativity and Business Ebooks
by Super Pack! Author, Ayun Halliday Author, John Isaacson Author, Joe Biel Author and Caroline Moore Author
Got an idea for a creative business? Here's a crash course.
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13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
$3.00 8 comments
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$20 Superpack: Live Your Dream!
by John Isaacson Author, Caroline Moore Author, Super Pack! Author and Eleanor C. Whitney Author
Got an idea for a project but you're not sure how to make it work on a practical (and, let's face it, financial) level?…
$37.90 $20.00

DIY Screenprinting: How to Turn Your Home Into a T-Shirt Factory
by John Isaacson Author
A fascinating graphic novel that details the art and science of screen-printing from inception to printed t-shirts to…
$15.95 12 comments
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Madres de Plaza de Mayo poster
by John Isaacson Author and Justseeds Author
"Between 1976 and 1983 thousands of young people in Argentina were secretly kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by agents…
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