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Artist image for Natalye Childress

Natalye Childress is a writer, editor, and music journalist. In the past, she has worked for the Associated Press, the Press Democrat in Santa Rosa, California, and Crittenden Research. Her writing has been published on Thought Catalog and Last Week’s Memoir, as well as in a variety of magazines. She runs the music magazine Berlin Beat and writes for Slow Travel Berlin. Natalye lives in Berlin, Germany, with her husband and two cats.

$20 Superpack: Breakup Remedy

by Natalye Childress Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author

Uh oh. Suddenly you're single. Maybe you saw it coming a mile away, or maybe it broadsided you. Maybe you're picking…

$34.00 $20.00

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$25 Superpack: Cozy Reading for Busy People

by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Super Pack! Author and Bob Suren Author

During the grey days of winter, or those darker days in your life, the best remedy is often just curling up with a good…

$51.80 $25.00

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$20 Superpack: Heartache, Hope & Rage

by Natalye Childress Author, Cindy Crabb Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Keith Rosson Author and Super Pack! Author

Some days, everything is so intense you need a homeopathic remedy just to get by much less to rise above. We present…

$54.00 $20.00

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$20 Superpack: Healthy Relationships

by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author

We are all on what feels like a lifelong quest towards finding those perfectly healthy relationships—the people around…

$34.00 $20.00

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The Aftermath of Forever: How I Loved and Lost and Found Myself. The Mix Tape Diaries

by Natalye Childress Author

The Aftermath of Forever is a memoir that chronicles the romantic coming-of-age of a woman in her 20s dating in San…

$12.95 7 comments

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Alive with Vigor: Surviving Your Adventurous Lifestyle

by Robert Wildwood Editor, Buck Angel Contributor, Joe Biel Contributor, Natalye Childress Contributor, Cheyenne Winters Contributor, 3 more

Alive With Vigor! compiles stories of surviving—and thriving—from a wide spectrum of contributors. Deeply personal…

$9.95 1 comment

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