Unfuck Your Addiction: Using Science to Free Yourself from Harmful Reliance on Substances, Habits, and Out of Control Behaviors

by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author

Replace your bad habits with healthy ones

We have almost all been addicted to something at some point, or had a habit spiral out of control. But what does that mean? What exactly are addictions and out of control behaviors, why do we get caught up in them, and how do we get our lives back? Bestselling author Dr. Faith Harper helps those of us struggling (or supporting others) with problematic use of alcohol, drugs, gambling, work, food, sex, shopping, screens, gaming, or anything else where we've crossed a line. Their perspective is down to earth, realistic, and refreshing. You'll learn about the brain science behind addiction, how to tell if something is a problem or about to become one, how to find your way out of unhealthy behaviors, and how to avoid passing them down to the next generation. No matter what paths you've taken in life, you can absolutely learn to fulfill your needs in ways that are healthy for yourself and the people around you.

  • Unfuck Your Addiction: Using Science to Free Yourself from Harmful Reliance on Substances, Habits, and Out of Control Behaviors image #1
  • Unfuck Your Addiction: Using Science to Free Yourself from Harmful Reliance on Substances, Habits, and Out of Control Behaviors image #2
  • Unfuck Your Addiction: Using Science to Free Yourself from Harmful Reliance on Substances, Habits, and Out of Control Behaviors image #3
  • Unfuck Your Addiction: Using Science to Free Yourself from Harmful Reliance on Substances, Habits, and Out of Control Behaviors image #4
  • Unfuck Your Addiction: Using Science to Free Yourself from Harmful Reliance on Substances, Habits, and Out of Control Behaviors image #5

Comments & Reviews


This zine might be helpful for those who are suffering from the condition, but it humanizes addiction for unfamiliar readers, too. Zines like this will probably lead to more conversations around the topic, which in turn might mean less loneliness and less shame and more compassion and help, which would be awesome.