Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others

by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author

When we lose someone or something close to us—a loved person or animal, a relationship, our health, our dream, our idea of who we are—it hurts. A lot. Grief is both what we experience and how we heal. Dr. Faith Harper, bestselling author of books like Unfuck Your Brain and Unfuck Your Boundaries brings us a counseling and neuroscience perspective on grieving. She explains what is actually happening in our brains and bodies and what we need in order to allow it to happen fully. She also shows us how to identify and treat traumatic grief, the variety of grieving processes we experience, what grief looks like in the long term, when to get professional support, and how to ask the people in our lives for what we need (and to give ourselves the care we need as well). You'll also find solid advice on how (and how not!) to support a grieving person in your life. Wise, a little crass, and gently funny. 

  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #1
  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #2
  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #3
  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #4
  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #5
  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #6
  • Unfuck Your Grief: Using Science to Heal Yourself and Support Others image #7

Description for original zine (This Is Your Brain on Grief: What to Do and Say (and Not) for Yourself and Others): Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith adds to her series of zines, writing this time about grief. It's hard to imagine anyone else being able to make understanding the grieving process... well, funny, while also being genuine and compassionate. As always, Faith nails it. This zine contains words of solace and helpful wisdom for when you're dealing with grief... but most of all it's full of helpful advice for when you are trying to figure out how to support someone else in their grief and what to say. Grieving is a natural part of life, and having the space to do it the way you need to is vital. Show this zine to the people around you when you need them to give you that space and comfort.

This zine was expanded to become a chapter in Dr. Faith's book Unfuck Your Brain.