$20 Superpack: Healthy Relationships
by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author
We are all on what feels like a lifelong quest towards finding those perfectly healthy relationships—the people around us who laugh at our jokes, comfort us in times of need, recognize when our self-esteem is flagging, and tell us sometimes when we make a mistake or hurt their feelings. And you know what? In the optimal relationships, we provide all of the same things for that person in return and it can feel effortless once we get our bearings in order. So let's start with Consensuality, a book about how to have a healthy relationship even when you really don't have it all figured out. And because we sometimes need to have our work anchored in real life examples of wrongs righted, we are also including Natalye Childress' Aftermath of Forever and Katie Haegele's White Elephants. Add to this Relationshipping, Dr. Faith's little zine about putting on your grown-up pants and being a good partner (to yourself as well as to your mate) and Sex From Scratch, Sarah Mirk's book about how to create the relationships that work right for you, rather than whatever society, church, and family are pressuring you into.
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