$25 Superpack: Dr. Faith's 5-Minute Therapy
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Super Pack! Author
Dr. Faith Harper is a badass funny lady with a PhD, a professional counselor, a certified sex therapist, and an adult person of major life experience. As well as innumerable books, she's written a ton of little "5-minute therapy" zines, teaching you the skills she spent years and gazillions of dollars learning with all those fancy degrees. For your part, you get to learn some science, get a bit of direction in managing your life, and breathe easier and live a little happier.
In this superpack, we'll send you Dr. Faith's book, This is Your Brain on Anxiety (based on her bestselling zine of the same name), plus FIVE other Dr. Faith zines (they are a little hard to keep in stock, so we'll send you what we've got—feel free to make requests in the order notes and we'll do what we can).
Here's a list of all of our Dr. Faith zines so far. We'll choose you 5 at random (or guided by your notes):
Self-Compassion (the most important skill you'll ever learn)
Sleep (the second most important skill)
Consent (the history, culture, and how-to-do-it-well parts)
Relationshipping (because love is worth doing well)
Dating (not to be confused with relationshipping or hooking up)
Sexing Yourself (give yourself a hand)
Surviving (for when you just need to get through it all)
PTSD (for when you're still dealing with the trauma way later)
Getting Over It (for whatever it is you need to get over)
Working (as in, at a job, even if it sucks)
BDSM FAQ (which is really about learning good consent and how to ask for all those things your heart desires but you're not totally sure you're allowed to have)
STI FAQ (how to test for and then deal with the physical AND emotional impact of sexually transmitted infections)
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) (the ancient art of tapping, backed with modern science)
Woke Parenting (how to raise kids who can respect themselves and others and handle themselves in dangerous or awkward situations)
Achieve Your Goals (set a realistic, actionable goal, work towards it, celebrate, rinse, repeat)
Vision Boarding (goal-setting for people who hate writing shit down)
How to Find a Therapist (because this can be more difficult than it should be)
Breathing (the best medicine you can give yourself)
Mindfulness and Meditation (practical, non-new-agey ways that you can try)
If some of that doesn't help you change your world a little, we don't know what will. Now, go live that amazing life of yours!
Feel free to let us know which one's you'd especially like. Or perhaps you'd like to double up on one to share the knowledge with a friend? We can make it happen!
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Comments & Reviews
[translated from spanish] "...gives us the keys to live with the small "problems" everyday. ... quick and stimulating reading and reminds us of things that unfortunately we usually forget very easily..."