$25-40 Superpack: Introduction to Microcosm (Join our Street Team!)
by Microcosm Pub et al Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Alexander Barrett Author and Super Pack! Author
Hi! Do you love what Microcosm does and want to support us, but you're not ready to jump into a full BFF subscription? Represent us out in the world with this street team kit. It includes a t-shirt and a sticker with our distinctive chainring heart logo, and three (very different!) bestselling books: Raleigh Briggs' Make Your Place, Dr. Faith G. Harper's Unfuck Your Brain, and the first edition of This is Portland. We'll also send you 10 of our poster catalogs (or more/less if you request them) to put in coffeeshops, hand out at shows, include with letters and zines you mail out, or whatever your best getting-the-word-out mechanism is.
If you choose the cheaper, "slightly damaged" option, the books you get may be a bit shelfworn, scuffed, or dinged but the t-shirt will be new.
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