Unfuck Your Friendships: Using Science to Make and Maintain the Most Important Relationships of Your Life
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Healthy friendships make life better!
Friendship deserves more credit in a society obsessed with romantic and sexual relationships. In reality, friendship is the key to our mental and physical health, happiness, and social cohesion. Dr. Faith Harper, therapist and bestselling author of Unfuck Your Intimacy and Unfuck Your Boundaries applies brain science and her clinical and personal experience to help understand this vital type of relationship, offering insight into how to choose and make friends, sustaining and strengthening your friendships, friend group dynamics, friend breakups, setting excellent friendship boundaries, handling conflict, and managing all the different kinds of relationships we encounter in our lives. Includes a series of original advice columns honing in on the details that make our friendships work.
Description for Defriending zine:
Friend breakups can be as bad as romantic breakups. Actually, they can be worse, way worse, because there's no roadmap for them. Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith walks you through this unfortunately universal life event. First off, figuring out if you can save the friendship (and if you want to), and giving that a try. Second off, all the ways people break up with friends, rated on a scale of relative healthfulness, with some scripts for having those hard conversations. Finally, tips for recovering from your friend break-up, whether you're the breaker-upper, or the break-upee. Sad to say that this is a useful skill set for everyone of every age. Read and decide how you'll handle the imminent or ongoing friend split in your life, or evaluate how you've handled them in the past and be prepared to do it better in the future. Pro tip: All this advice is also helpful for relationship break-ups and divorces, quitting your job, or moving on in general from entanglements that may be toxic or may simply not be working out.
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