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A cartoonist based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mitch Clem is best known for his web comics San Antonio Rock City, My Stupid Life, and Nothing Nice to Say. A lot of his work and hobbies revolve around punk culture. When he isn't making comics, he's often making album covers and flyers for punk rock bands.

As You Were #5: A Punk Comix Anthology: This Job Sucks!

by Mitch Clem Editor, Janelle Hessig Cover, Avi Ehrlich Editor, Julia Wertz Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, 3 more

Shitty jobs? They happen. The 5th volume of As You Were, a punk comic anthology, features graphic novel short stories…


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As You Were #4: Living Situations

by Mitch Clem Editor, Avi Ehrlich Editor, Ben Snakepit Contributor, Ben Passmore Contributor, Liz Prince Contributor, Sarah Graley Contributor and Rachel Dukes Contributor

A punk comix anthology on that enduring structure: the punk house. Ben Passmore delivers common experiences as a sort of…


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As You Were #3: A Punk Comix Anthology

by Mitch Clem Author, Steve Larder Author, Liz Prince Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author and Ben Snakepit Author

“Big, Big Changes” is the theme of the third issue of Mitch Clem's As You Were comics anthology zine, and boy does…

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