As You Were #3: A Punk Comix Anthology
by Mitch Clem Author, Steve Larder Author, Liz Prince Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author and Ben Snakepit Author
“Big, Big Changes” is the theme of the third issue of Mitch Clem's As You Were comics anthology zine, and boy does it deliver! Rather than just focusing on punk house shows, this issue is twice as long and twice as broad, labeling itself "a punk comix anthology," allowing for a tremendous variety of content from the 28 contributors filling out its pages, complete with a paperback spine!
Cover art by Lauren Denitzio and brand new work on a broad range of topics from the less tangible aspects of punk and their emotional impact on the individual to street harrassment, why punk should never change (by Ben Snakepit). to the value of zines and reading about punk being just as vital to its fabric as the screaming and the music. It's a wider swath with a much bigger variety of contributions this time.
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