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Robyn Jasko is a local foods activist and community garden starter. She is the cofounder of, a site promoting sustainable lifestyles, homesteading, eating well, and living local. Her first book is Homesweet Homegrown: How to Grow, Make and Store Food, No Matter Where You Live.

Superpack: Community Response Counter Display
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Robyn Jasko Author and Kyle Bravo Author
Social distance means relying on each others' support more than ever. This superpack is designed for our wholesale…
$165.20 $99.96

Herb/Mercantile Self-Sufficiency Starter Pack
by Raleigh Briggs Author, Robyn Jasko Author and Sandor Ellix Katz Author
Featuring copies of our best-selling homesteading titles:3x Make Your Place (hardcover)3x Basic Fermentation…
$300.00 $150.00

$25 Superpack: Anytime Gardening!
by Heron Brae Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Ian Giesbrecht Author, Robyn Jasko Author, Matte Resist Author and Super Pack! Author
We know you're hungry but with a little planning ahead and this superpack that will be no problem! Start out…
$40.00 $25.00 1 comment

Homesweet Homegrown: How to Grow, Make, And Store Food, No Matter Where You Live
by Robyn Jasko Author and Jennifer Biggs Illustrator
A simple DIY guide to growing, storing, and making your own food, no matter where you live. An ideal companion to…
$9.95 16 comments
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