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Kyle Bravo is an artist and musician who lives and works in the upper 9th Ward of New Orleans. He teaches art to pay the bills then makes art and plays music every other possible spare moment. He is a founding member of the artist-run gallery The Front and also co-founder of Hot Iron Press, both hand-in-hand with his wife, artist Jenny LeBlanc. Back when he was a young and idealistic punk rocker, Kyle edited the book Making Stuff and Doing Things: A Collection of DIY Guides to Just About Everything, which is amazingly still available in your local anarchist bookstore. Kyle’s most recent musical projects include fiddling with his 4-track in his garage and his bands Kay Swiss and the Keddz and Koozie Basket.

Forever and Everything #8
by Kyle Bravo Author
The laughs (and tears) continue in this eighth installment of Forever and Everything. In comic aphorisms, artist,…
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Forever and Everything #6: The "Pre-Pandemic Naivete" Issue
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle's been drawing these comics with snapshots of his daily life as a dad, teacher, cartoonist, and person in the world…
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Forever and Everything #7: The "Obligatory Coronavirus" Issue
by Kyle Bravo Author
Diary comics don't stop for a global pandemic! Kyle departs from his usual pastiche of vignettes to tell the narrative…
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Superpack: Community Response Counter Display
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Raleigh Briggs Author, Joshua Ploeg Author, Robyn Jasko Author and Kyle Bravo Author
Social distance means relying on each others' support more than ever. This superpack is designed for our wholesale…
$165.20 $99.96

Forever and Everything #5: The "Feeling Bad Then Feeling Better" Issue
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle's ongoing diary comics series shows him navigating life at 40, which is filled with many downs, but a few good…
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Forever and Everything #4
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle's story of fatherhood continues with the fourth volume of diary comics zine Forever and Everything. He recounts…
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Forever and Everything #3
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle Bravo's diary comics describe the ups and downs and joys of everyday life. In this issue, it's 2017, his kid is 2…
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Forever and Everything #2
by Kyle Bravo Author
Kyle Bravo is back in this second issue of Forever and Everything. You'll be chuckling along as Kyle battles with…
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13 Years of Good Luck: The Microcosm Publishing Sampler
by Julia Alekseyeva Contributor, Lee Baillie Contributor, Moe Bowstern Contributor, Alexander Barrett Contributor, Nate Beaty Contributor, 32 more
To celebrate our thirteenth anniversary of publishing books and zines about self-empowerment, we put together this…
$3.00 8 comments
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Making Stuff and Doing Things: DIY Guides to Just About Everything
by Kyle Bravo Editor
When you’re young, broke, and in search of a life of adventure, Making Stuff and Doing Things is the most useful book…
$16.95 37 comments
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