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Katura Reynolds is an artist, writer, and informal educator with a fondness for science and nature. Whether brushing the dust off of ice-age fossils, contemplating the blooms of stinky corpse flowers, or gazing back at the Mona Lisa, she is always more comfortable with a sketchbook in her hand. Katura lives in Seattle, Washington where she enjoys cherry-blossom viewing and bicycle camping with her family and friends.

Bikequity: Money, Class, & Bicycling
by Elly Blue Editor, Joe Biel Contributor, Cheyenne Winters Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Adonia E. Lugo, PhD Contributor and Katura Reynolds Contributor
Bicycling has the radical potential of equalizing our transportation system, creating more equitable opportunities from…
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Bikes in Space: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction
by Elly Blue Editor, Katura Reynolds Cover, Kate Berube Contributor, Elizabeth Buchanan Contributor, Nicky Drayden Contributor, 4 more
A powerful tribute to feminist sci-fi about bicycles. It gravitates away from the unfortunately-traditional macho…
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Our Bodies, Our Bikes
by Elly Blue Editor, April Streeter Editor, Katura Reynolds Contributor and Emily June Street Contributor
An homage to the classic Our Bodies, Ourselves, this encyclopedic, crowd-sourced compilation of essays, resources,…
$14.95 4 comments
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Sticker #329Space Sharks
by Elly Blue Author and Katura Reynolds Author
The space shark is an endangered life form, with only a small breeding population remaining in the upper Andromeda…
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Taking The Lane #9: Disaster
by Elly Blue Author and Katura Reynolds Author
The ninth issue of Taking the Lane examines the role of the bicycle in preparing for, surviving, and rebuilding after…
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