Bikequity: Money, Class, & Bicycling
by Elly Blue Editor, Joe Biel Contributor, Cheyenne Winters Contributor, Gretchin Lair Contributor, Adonia E. Lugo, PhD Contributor and Katura Reynolds Contributor
At the intersection of bikes and identity
Bicycling has the radical potential of equalizing our transportation system, creating more equitable opportunities from the personal to the societal, and being a vehicle for protest and social justice. But that isn't how it always works. The contributors to this volume of Taking the Lane zine tackle of the potentials and realities and unintended consequences of trying to create a better world using human-powered transportation.
Edited by Elly Blue and featuring work by Tamika Butler, Adonia Lugo, Do Jun Lee, Gretchin Lair, V.K. Henry, Cheyenne Winters, Tammy Melody Gomez, Phill Melton, Cat Caperello, Joe Biel, Julie Brooks, Kassandra Karaitis, Katura Reynolds, Rebecca Fish Ewan, Rhienna Renée Guedry, and Adrian Lipscombe.
This is the 14th issue of Taking the Lane feminist bike zine.
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Comments & Reviews
Each article was clear and engaging. Since I bike for transportation and care about social justice, this zine/small book felt comforting and inclusive to read. Recommended!
"Gorgeous in design, a pleasure to hold, almost retro, Bikequity is reminiscent of those old photocopied zines that circulated pre-internet..."
"I’m honored to have been included with some excellent voices in Elly Blue’s 14th installment of her feminist bicycling zine Taking The Lane."