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Bikes in Space: Feminist Bicycle Science Fiction
by Elly Blue Editor, Katura Reynolds Cover, Kate Berube Contributor, Elizabeth Buchanan Contributor, Nicky Drayden Contributor, 4 more
A powerful tribute to feminist sci-fi about bicycles. It gravitates away from the unfortunately-traditional macho…
$9.95 3 comments
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Taking The Lane: The Feminist Bicycle Revolution (Audio)
by Elly Blue Author, Elizabeth Buchanan Author, Cheyenne Winters Author, Jeff Hayes Author and Sara Tretter Author
This audiozine features authors and others reading some of the most popular essays and stories in the first ten issues…
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Bikes in Space: Volume II: More Feminist Science Fiction
by Elly Blue Editor, Elly Bangs Contributor, Elizabeth Buchanan Contributor, Caitlin Giddings Contributor, Jessie L. Kwak Contributor, 3 more
Bikes in Space is a feminist bicycle science fiction anthology. Started as a zine (and a bit of a joke), it ended up…
$9.95 3 comments
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