A voting ballot-type check box is checked off with the "V" in the title.

Biff Boff Bam Sock Issue 9: Know Your Vote - A Workbook to Get to Know Your Elected Officials

by Anna Jo Beck Author

Do you get overwhelmed by your choices at election time? Learn how to get your vote out there—this nicely designed zine by Broke, Not Broken author Anna Jo Beck covers everything from registering to vote to actually voting, plus tips—and interactive worksheets—on how to research the candidates and find out what decisions they've made in the past on issues that matter to you. Also includes some guidelines to contacting the candidates and your elected officials.

NOW MORE THAN EVER. This useful zine is perfect for everyone who wants to engage themselves and others. Local down-ballot races determine your quality of life way more than the presidency. So many of these local positions are decided by a handful of votes. Get informed, share your views, and make an impact! 

Comments & Reviews


Well-written, well-designed, informative and POWERFUL. Buy 2 and donate one to the library at your local high school!