Xerography Debt #29
by Davida G. Breier Author
Reviewers in this issue include Anne Thalheimer, D. Blake Wert, Davida Gypsy Breier, Eric Lyden,Fred Argoff, Gavin J. Grant, Joe Biel, Julie Dorn, Kris Mininger, Liz Mason, Maynard Welstand, and Stuart Stratu. And on top of the scores of new zines reviewed in this issue, we are treated to excellent editorials from Dread Sockett and our trusty editor captain, Davida Gypsy Breier, addressing community issues in zine making as well as "Defining ourselves to death." As always, the ship sails freely and each contributor is allowed a free voice to say as they please! PO Box 347, Glen Arm, MD 21057
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Comments & Reviews
The columns in XD #29 are a continuation of the “Revenge of Print” theme put forth in the previous issue. Publisher Davida Gypsy Breier contemplates the current state of zine and small press publishing, Dread Socket offers his take on what is and/or isn’t a zine and Inner Swine’s Jeff Somers writes another column about himself. Things seem to be getting a little Maximumrocknroll in zineland these days, which can be interesting and spark good debate right up to the point where it becomes a parody of itself. We’re not there yet, I don’t think. And then there are the reviews by the likes of zine movers & shakers, Joe Biel (Microcosm Publishing), Liz Mason (Caboose), and about a dozen other lovers of all things zine.