Xerography Debt #27

by Davida G. Breier Author

Like a well-oiled machine of zine-y awesomeness, Xerography Debt, the “review zine with perzine tendencies,” gives us a sweet new issue twice-yearly. Issue 27 is 64 pages of all we've come to love and expect from XD—the reviews, the columns, the humor, the knowledgeable zinesters cluin' us in on all that's brand-new and bumpin' in the zine scene. This time around we've got some surprises—Joe Biel interviewing zine/design legend Ian Lyman, Gianni Simone on Italian mail art dude Vittore Baroni, as well as a seven-part series of “Where Are They Now”s with iconic zinesters of the past (Jen Angel's Q&A being a definite highlight.) Combine that with reviews of great stuff like Not My Small Diary, A Guide to Picking Locks, and Proof I Exist, and you've got a solid round-up of all-things zine. Note to zine-makers: If you'd like XD to review your zine in a future issue send it to: Davida Gypsy Breier / PO Box 11064 / Baltimore, MD 21212 USA

  • A yellow zine with illustrations of goats, lambs, and a chimp on a bus

Comments & Reviews


"Xerography Debt is a zine review zine, yet it is more than that. The reviewers are a dedicated bunch of zinesters themselves who pour their heart and soul into their reviews and it shows. They have an interesting feature with former zinesters, a kind of "where are they now" about why they stopped their zine and what current projects they are working on. Very interesting."


"This is less a zine review zine than a Zine Revue zine, for while they do review tons of zines (often having varied reviewers contemplate the same publication) what they really do is put on an amzing show about the history, mysteries and magic of zines in general The mechanics of publishing, the philosphy of zine-ism, the search for the first zine, a Where Are They Now of 90s zinsters, a journey into "non Profit" status, and more More MORE! This is basically a multiple zinegasm!"


"Always a wonderful review zine with perzine tendencies. Always fun and always a good source for finding about zines you might not known were out there. And with guest indie publishing reviewers. Like having a cool friend loan you their stack of zines. Still going strong at #27!"


"This valuable resource continues to produce excellent issues, despite basement floods, babies, moving, job hell, and getting sued over its original name. The just released Issue #27 features not only the expected eloquent long-form narrative zine reviews, but informative articles about zine culture."


"This came in the mail today so I bumped it to the top of my 'to review' pile. The arrival of a new issue of Xerography Debt (and likewise Zine World) in my mailbox equals a Great Mail Day Squared Times Infinity.

There's a terrific article called 'Where Are They Now?' which interviews a bunch of ex-ziners to find out why they quit publishing and what they're up to now. One of them is heartbreaking - on the night two sisters were supposed to be putting together their latest issue, one of them died in a car crash.

Next up are columns by distinguished ziners like Jeff Somers (The Inner Swine) and Gianni Simone (Call And Response, Kairan,). From there on it's pages and pages of wonderful comix and zine reviews. The way these are set up is pretty cool. Each reviewer has their own section with a small photo/picture, a short and snappy introduction, followed by reviews of whatever zines have jazzed them during the previous six months.

Review zines like Xerography Debt are an important resource in this internet age."