Xerography Debt #25
by Davida G. Breier Author
Here's issue #25 of Xerography, featuring more of the beloved "review zine with perzine tendencies" wherein your favorite zine writers become zine reviewers, columnists, and news hounds! 64 pages of new zines to fall in love with, collect obsessively, and tell your friends about. They want more zines to review for future issues! We know you are out there! Now you should send it to: Davida Gypsy Breier / PO Box 11064 / Baltimore, MD 21212 USA
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Comments & Reviews
“Xerography Dept continues to chug along as one of only a tiny handful of print-based review zines still serving the zine community. Edited by longtime zinester Davida Gypsy Breier, the publication features letters, columns, and reviews from a revolving cast of reviewers. Because reviewers have the option of choosing what they review, there is always a certain amount of duplication in the titles reviewed. Reviews are also chiefly limited to 'good reviews,' which means if no one on staff likes your zine, it probably won't appear in the pages of this review zine. There is now also a blog for Xerography Debt, where additional reviews can be found. Nice work on the part of Davida and staff in keeping this going for so long.”
"There is nothing I love more than good -- or even mediocre or bad, but still original -- zines. There's a lot fewer out there these days with this whole internet/blog fad, so I have to champion Microcosm which has spent years helping distribute, compile into books, and often publish some of the best zines out there... Xerography Debt is one of the best, with writers really injecting perosnality into reviews. So out of love for Microcosm and Xerography Debt I'm going to pretend I can't think of any conflict of interest of a publisher publishing a zine that inevitably reviews its other publications. This is me pretending. And enjoying the well-written reviews, and ordering a bunch of zines. Not all of them from Microcosm."
"If you like reading zines, make sure to pick up a copy of Xerography Debt today."
"Worth checking out for the comics reviews and even moreso if you're open to non-comics zines. "
“… Xerography Dept continues to chug along as one of only a tiny handful of print-based review zines still serving the zine community. Edited by long-time zinester Davida Gypsy Breier, the publication features letters, columns, and reviews from a revolving cast of reviewers. Because reviewers have the option of choosing what they review, there is always a certain amount of duplication in the titles reviewed. Reviews are also chiefly limited to ‘good review,’ which means if no one on staff likes your zine, it probably won’t appear in the pages of this review zine. There is also a blog for Xerography Debt, where additional reviews can be found. Nice work on the part of Davida and staff in keeping this going for so long.”
"This is one of the Zine Essentials, folks."
"It warms one's heart cockles to see a zine like Xerography Debt still being published. It warms the ventricles of one's heart to see any zine being published period, especially one that supports other zines like XD does. Yes, this is a review zine with "perzine tendencies" that still firmly supports independent publishing and the underground press. Many zine publishers have ceased publishing in recent years, some of those finding refuge in electronic media (like the Reglar Wiglar) while others giving up the ghost of print completely. Not so with Davida Gypsy Breier. In fact, this issue looks better than ever with a great cover and clean well designed, easy to read copy. So, viva la zine!"