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Imperfection: A Natural History
by Telmo Pievani Author
Life on Earth is a product of imperfection, with anomalies and errors driving the evolution of the universe and life…
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How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason
by Lee McIntyre Author
Can we convince science deniers, such as flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, and coronavirus truthers, to accept scientific…
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Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends?: Understanding the Effects of Smarter Growth on Communities (Urban and Industrial Environments)
by Karen Chapple Author and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris Author
This book examines neighborhood transformation, gentrification, and displacement associated with development around…
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Tenacious Beasts: Wildlife Recoveries That Change How We Think about Animals
by Christopher J. Preston Author
This book explores wildlife species defying extinction trends and offering crucial lessons on planetary coexistence.…
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Imaginary Languages: Myths, Utopias, Fantasies, Illusions, and Linguistic Fictions
by Marina Yaguello Author and Erik Butler Translator
The practice of inventing languages has a long and varied history, spanning from religious speaking in tongues to…
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We Are All Monsters: How Deviant Organisms Came to Define Us
by Andrew Mangham Author
This explores how nineteenth-century literature and science redefined monsters, showing their crucial role in…
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What We Know about Climate Change
by Kerry Emanuel Author and Bob Inglis Author
This updated edition of a guide to climate change science and action presents the consensus that human activity has…
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Sexus Animalis: There Is Nothing Unnatural in Nature
by Emmanuelle Pouydebat Author, Julie Terrazzoni Illustrator and Erik Butler Translator
This full colored illustrated guide delves into the diverse and often astonishing sexual behaviors of animals, revealing…
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Fertility Technology (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)
by Donna J. Drucker Author
Advancements in reproductive technology began in the late 1850s with the first recorded artificial insemination, paving…
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Animal Languages
by Eva Meijer Author and Laura Watkinson Translator
This book takes the reader into the world of animal communication, exploring how animals, from chimpanzees to dogs,…
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They Knew: The US Federal Government's Fifty-Year Role in Causing the Climate Crisis
by James Gustave Speth Author and Julia Olson Foreword
This book presents a devastating account of the federal government’s leading role in causing today’s climate crisis.…
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Juice: A History of Female Ejaculation
by Stephanie Haerdle Author
From ancient times til today, humans have stood in awe of the orgasmic art of squirting, aka female ejaculation. Read…
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Out of Touch: How to Survive an Intimacy Famine
by Michelle Drouin Author
A behavioral scientist explores love, belongingness, and fulfillment, examining how modern technology affects our need…
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Cannabis: Global Histories
by Lucas Richert Editor and Jim Mills Editor
This explores the global history of cannabis, examining its consumption, commerce, and control from the 19th century to…
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Garbage Wars (Urban and Industrial Environments): The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Chicago
by David Naguib Pellow Author
This book examines the struggle for environmental justice in Chicago, focusing on conflicts over solid waste and…
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American Illuminations: Urban Lighting, 1800–1920
by David E. Nye Author
In the 19th century, Americans adapted European traditions of royal illuminations for their own democratic and…
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Strip: Las Vegas and the Architecture of the American Dream
by Stefan Al Author
The Las Vegas Strip has undergone numerous transformations over the years, from Wild West-inspired designs to massive…
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You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polarized Speech, Conspiracy Theories, and Our Polluted Media Landscape
by Whitney Phillips Author and Ryan M. Milner Author
This book teaches how to understand and improve a crisis-ridden media environment by adopting an ecological approach.…
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Recycling (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series)
by Finn Arne Jørgensen Author
This book explores recycling as an activity and process, following materials through the waste stream. Author Finn Arne…
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Power On!: A Graphic Novel of Digital Empowerment
by Jean J. Ryoo Author, Jane Margolis Author and Charis JB Illustrator
A group of diverse teenage friends learns how computing can be both fun and empowering in this graphic novel. When a…
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Water: A Visual and Scientific History
by Jack Challoner Author
Water, the most abundant substance on Earth, traces its origins from the birth of stars to its vital role in the living…
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Mage Merlin's Unsolved Mathematical Mysteries
by Satyan Devadoss Author and Matthew Harvey Author
You don’t have to be an adept at mathematics to enjoy the stories that math is capable of telling us, the functions…
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Animal Beauty
by Christiane Nusslein-Volhard Author and Suse Grutzmacher Illustrator
Delve into the vibrant world of animal colors and patterns, examining what they communicate and how they play a role in…
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Penguins in the Wild
by David Tipling Author
Penguins are captured in their natural habitats through vibrant, full-color photographs that showcase their charming and…
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Wild and the Wicked: On Nature and Human Nature
by Benjamin Hale Author
This book is a call to action for all to be environmentalists — but expands the lens and adds a twist to what we might…
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Who Are You?: Nintendo's Game Boy Advance Platform (Platform Studies)
by Alex Custodio Author
This celebrates the enduring legacy of the Game Boy Advance, tracing its impact on video game culture nearly two decades…
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Astroquizzical: Solving the Cosmic Puzzles of Our Planets, Stars, and Galaxies: The Illustrated Edition
by Jillian Scudder Author
This takes readers on a fascinating journey through the cosmos, tracing the origins of everything from humans on Earth…
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How to Talk to a Science Denier: Conversations with Flat Earthers, Climate Deniers, and Others Who Defy Reason
by Lee McIntyre Author
If someone is injecting horse paste to cure a virus, is there any chance of an honest conversation with them? As America…
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Old Wheelways: Traces of Bicycle History on the Land
by Robert L. McCullough Author
During the later part of the 19th century, American cyclists played the role of adventurers as they embarked on…
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Sexual Consent
by Milena Popova Author
Through examining prominent cases like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, it has become clear that the definition and…
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