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Introducing Mathematics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Jerry Ravetz Author, Ziauddin Sardar Author and Borin Van Loon Author
Introducing Mathematics traces the story of mathematics from the ancient world to modern times, describing the great…
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Introducing Cultural Studies: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Ziauddin Sardar Author and Borin Van Loon Author
Cultural studies is a discipline that claims not to be a discipline--a radical critical approach for understanding…
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Introducing Islam: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Zafar Abbas Malik Author and Ziauddin Sardar Author
Islam is one of the world's most prevalent religions, and Islamic culture is one of humanity's greatest contributers.…
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Introducing Chaos: A Graphic Guide
by Iwona Abrams Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Ziauddin Sardar Author
Chaos theory attempts to answer baffling questions such as the ramifications of a butterfly flapping its wings. This…
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Introducing Media Studies: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Ziauddin Sardar Author and Borin Van Loon Author
We consume media every day, whether it be our TV, surfing the web, or reading a magazine. This graphic guide explores…
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