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Introducing Feminism: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Cathia Jenainati Author
Is biology destiny? Why is the personal political? Is pornography anti-feminist? The term "feminism" came into English…
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Introducing Ethics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author and Dave Robinson Author
Are humans really selfish and greedy, or generous and kind? Does anyone have the right to tell you what "good" and "bad"…
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Introducing Capitalism: A Graphic Guide
by Dan Cryan Author, Graphic Guide, A Author, Piero Author and Sharron Shatil Author
The history, philosophy and politics of one of the biggest, most successful but most controversial ideas ever.…
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Introducing Evolution: A Graphic Guide
by Dylan Evans Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Howard Selina Author
In 1859, Charles Darwin shocked the world with a radical theory – evolution by natural selection. One hundred and…
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Introducing Relativity: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Bruce Bassett Author and Ralph Edney Author
A fun, easy-to-read guide to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Filled with illustrations, graphs, and comics,…
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Introducing Statistics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Eileen Magnello Author and Borin Van Loon Author
The shaper of the world around us—statistics. Its use allows us to better understand the world around us. However, the…
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Introducing Critical Theory: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Stuart Sim Author and Borin Van Loon Author
What might a ‘theory of everything’ look like? Is science an ideology? Who were Adorno, Horkheimer or the Frankfurt…
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Introducing Fascism: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Stuart Hood Author and Litza Jansz Author
A fascinating, illustrated guide to the political movements and philosophical roots of fascism, tracing the origins of…
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Introducing Mathematics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Jerry Ravetz Author, Ziauddin Sardar Author and Borin Van Loon Author
Introducing Mathematics traces the story of mathematics from the ancient world to modern times, describing the great…
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Introducing Cultural Studies: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Ziauddin Sardar Author and Borin Van Loon Author
Cultural studies is a discipline that claims not to be a discipline--a radical critical approach for understanding…
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Introducing Sociology: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Piero Author and John Nagle Illustrator
A quick 101 guide on Sociology, this illustrated book takes a look at all aspects of this branch of study. Introducing…
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Introducing Mind & Brain
by Angus Gellatly Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Oscar Zarate Author
Ever hear a song and felt sad all of a sudden? Ever fuck up hardcore because you were mad? Well, Mind & Brain helps you…
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Introducing Quantum Theory: A Graphic Guide to Science's Most Puzzling Discovery
by Graphic Guide, A Author
Does anyone really understand quantum theory? It's one of the most mysterious and exciting areas of science, stemming…
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Introducing Economics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author and David Orrell Author
What is economics exactly? Glad you asked—this great little book explains it in comics format. Cuts through the…
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Introducing Marxism: A Graphic Guide
by Rupert Woodfin Author, Oscar Zarate Author and Graphic Guide, A Contributor
Karl Marx was among the most influential thinkers of the late 19th century, inspiring revolutions in people’s minds…
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Introducing Time: A Graphic Guide
by Craig Callender Author, Ralph Edney Author and Graphic Guide, A Author
Ever ask yourself "What is time"? Ever question the possibility of time travel? Or if the future even exists? If you…
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Introducing Anthropology: A Graphic Guide
by Merryl Wyn Davies Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Piero Illustrator
Anthropology has a history that evolved from ancient Greece to contemporary times. This graphic guide introduces the key…
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Introducing The Freud Wars: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Stephen Wilson Author and Oscar Zarate Author
A graphic guide to Freud. Freud is universally recognized as one of the most important figures in modern culture, but he…
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Introducing The Holocaust: A Graphic Guide
by Haim Bresheeth Author, Graphic Guide, A Author, Stuart Hood Author and Litza Jansz Author
The Holocaust is often portrayed as a single horrific event in history, never to be forgotten, but a unforseen…
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Introducing Psychotherapy: A Graphic Guide
by Nigel C. Benson Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Borin Van Loon Author
What is psychotherapy? How can we choose wisely from so much on offer? This book provides a valuable summary of the main…
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Introducing Islam: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Zafar Abbas Malik Author and Ziauddin Sardar Author
Islam is one of the world's most prevalent religions, and Islamic culture is one of humanity's greatest contributers.…
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Introducing Chaos: A Graphic Guide
by Iwona Abrams Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Ziauddin Sardar Author
Chaos theory attempts to answer baffling questions such as the ramifications of a butterfly flapping its wings. This…
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Introducing Epigenetics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Oliver Pugh Author and Cath Ennis Illustrator
Our DNA is what defines some of our most basic traits, but it's also often misunderstood. Scientists who study how our…
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Introducing Aesthetics: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Christopher Kul-Want Author and Piero Author
What is beauty, and what is truth? These are some of the questions which aesthetics tries to answer. In our everyday…
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Introducing Foucault: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Chris Horrocks Author and Zoran Jevtic Author
Michel Foucault’s work was described at his death as ‘the most important event of thought in our century’. As a…
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Introducing Nietzsche: A Graphic Guide
by Laurence Gane Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Piero Author
Why must we believe that God is dead? Can we accept that traditional morality is just a ‘useful mistake’? Did the…
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Introducing Lévi-Strauss: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Judy Groves Author and Boris Wiseman Author
This guide to the work of the great French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009) traces the development and…
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Introducing Literary Criticism: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Piero Author and Owen Holland Illustrator
While literary criticism is often the butt of jokes, it's an important field that looks at the overall impact of…
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Introducing Psychoanalysis: A Graphic Guide
by Graphic Guide, A Author, Oscar Zarate Author and Ivan Ward Illustrator
Sigmund Freud, for better or for worse, challenged much of our understanding of how the mind worked and how we can heal…
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Introducing Semiotics: A Graphic Guide
by Paul Cobley Author, Graphic Guide, A Author and Litza Jansz Author
“Introducing Semiotics” outlines the development of sign study from its classical precursors to contemporary…
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