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Migraines: A Self-Help Guide to Feeling Better
by Wendy Green Author
Do you suffer from severe headaches, sometimes with nausea and visual impairment? Can these headaches last for up to a…
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Anxiety: A Self-Help Guide to Feeling Better
by Wendy Green Author
Learn about what causes anxiety and how to identify its symptoms, then conquer it step by step. Science-based advice…
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IBS: A Self-Help Guide to Feeling Better
by Wendy Green Author
This easy-to-follow book explains how food intolerances, gut infections, bacterial imbalance, stress and hormones…
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50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Menopause
by Wendy Green Author
For many women, menopause is a debilitating and unfortunate side effect of the grace and wisdom that come with old age.…
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50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Arthritis
by Wendy Green Author
A practical guide for sufferers who live with arthritis, this book explains how genetics, age, infections, diet,…
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