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Webly Bowles first became a zinester in the mid '90s, when she started the perzine Fun in a Bucket with her sister, Alex Wrekk. Later, Bowles started her own perzine, Touched by an Anvil. Now, she balances zining with an architectural day job and running two food blogs. Topics she's written about include architecture, broken hearts, lost loves, her failing health, dogs, traveling, and growing up.

Sticker #183Pro Choice
by Webly Bowles Author
We thought we'd come so far with reproductive rights, but now we've got these awful politicians taking us right back to…
$2.50 2 comments
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Patch #087Pro Choice
by Webly Bowles Author
In the past, women were told what to do with their bodies, especially if they weren’t white. Now that things are…
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Sticker #237Brains Before Beauty
by Webly Bowles Author
Think of it this way, if you don't survive this bike ride, you can't go even faster on the next one!
$2.50 3 comments
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Sticker #175Bikes Not Bombs
by Webly Bowles Author
Lets stop supporting wars with our form of transportation! It's time we make oil obsolete. Because which would you…
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Sticker #176Environmentalists Don't Drive
by Webly Bowles Author
A succinct message for the ages. If you call yourself an environmentalist, but you still drive a car, than you were…
$2.50 21 comments
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