Patch #087Pro Choice
by Webly Bowles Author
In the past, women were told what to do with their bodies, especially if they weren’t white. Now that things are getting better, are we really going to tell these same women what to do all over again? We each have a voice and powerful opportunities to challenge the voices of those who still express their intent to control others. The manipulation of other people’s bodies stops now!
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Comments & Reviews
I won't support pro-lifers until they believe in contraception, gay adoption, sex ed, subsidized childcare, universal health care, etc. How else do you reduce abortion rates? Abortion was common before it was illegal.
I won't support pro-lifers until they believe in contraception, gay adoption, sex ed, subsidized childcare, etc. How else do you reduce abortion rates?
I probably couldn't go through getting an abortion myself- but I'll be damned if some fat old white guy is going to tell me what I can and can't do to my body. I want to be able to choose not to (or to) have an abortion. That isn't someone else's choice to make. It's mine, and mine alone.
So lets say you're raped and your parents are pro-life. So you have the kid. Now when you have to work to stay alive whose going to watch your child? I live in Canada where Harper is taking away our child care system and replacing it with money to pay for one month of day care for your child. It is estimated that to take care of a child properly it cost $200,000 dollars. Thats quite a bit of money! Then you can kick them out when they're 18. Ah well at least with pro-life there will ALWAYS be someone to take my order at McDonalds. Oh wait I don't go there. Too bad... P.S email missmags (hotmail) to get a small list of corporations who support anti-abortion.
Do people still assume that they only people who get abortions are girls who sleep around? What about people are who raped, incest victims, women who already have more kids than they need to? What if your child would be born and live in constant pain? Would it be selfish to let that child be born because you want to prove a point? Also with a lot of pro life argument, some want to even go as far as to limit birth control. Can anyone guarentee that these children will not be forced through a system until they're eighteen? Most likely not. The biggest pro-lifers aren't in much of a hurry to open their homes to these kids.
I believe that you were given a right to live so why not also afford that right to those that are waiting to be? And you're right by saying it's our choice, choice to help create a safer world where the womb is the safest.
I feel that we should be able to do what we want to our bodies. Only you can choose your future. pro-choice, our-choice and that is how it should be.