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Tammy was born and raised in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. The mystery of her life was solved when she learned she was on the Autism Spectrum in November 2017 at the age of 47. She began writing to reprocess her life and its many struggles, with the goal of helping others in similar situations and to shine her unique light into a world that never understood her. She is active in Autism Self Advocacy as a means to bring awareness and to educate, in the hopes of creating a brighter future for all children and adults who are autistic. She is happily married with three children, two of whom are also on the spectrum.

Neurodivergent Pride #1: Autistic Pride in a Neurophobic World

by Joe Biel Editor, Temple Grandin, Ph.D Contributor, Ricki Bransen Contributor, Eliot Daughtry Contributor, Aaron Poliwoda Contributor, Tammy Porter Contributor and Partly Robot Contributor

The R-word has been used against us as hate speech for decades. Neurotypicals have tried to dictate our motives,…

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