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Ricki Bransen is, alas, not an heir to the Virgin fortune, as much as she'd love to hop out of a plane or fling her bicycle up into space and ride it all over Mars. Too much blood runs in her caffeine stream and she's a real person who wants to share her stories while keeping those of others private.

Neurodivergent Pride #5: Autistic People Interacting with Authority

by Temple Grandin, Ph.D Author, Joe Biel Author, Vanessa Blanchard Author, Kriss De Jong Author, Ricki Bransen Illustrator and Eliot Daughtry Editor

The R-word has been used against us as hate speech for decades. Neurotypicals have tried to dictate our motives,…


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Neurodivergent Pride #1: Autistic Pride in a Neurophobic World

by Joe Biel Editor, Temple Grandin, Ph.D Contributor, Ricki Bransen Contributor, Eliot Daughtry Contributor, Aaron Poliwoda Contributor, Tammy Porter Contributor and Partly Robot Contributor

The R-word has been used against us as hate speech for decades. Neurotypicals have tried to dictate our motives,…

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