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Reproductive Rites: The Real-Life Witches and Witch-Hunts in the Centuries-Long Fight for Abortion
by Sophie Saint Thomas Author
This work of pop history explores witches and witch hunts, specifically within the theme of reproductive rights. For…
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Spellwork Dice: Mix Up Your Magic
by Sophie Saint Thomas Author and Lively Scout Illustrator
Add a touch of randomness to your magical practices with this set of wooden dice. The four six-sided dice feature…
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Weed Witch: The Essential Guide to Cannabis for Magic and Wellness
by Sophie Saint Thomas Author
In her comprehensive guide Weed Witch, practicing witch and cannabis writer Sophie Saint Thomas explores the…
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Finding Your Higher Self: Your Guide to Cannabis for Self-Care
by Sophie Saint Thomas Author
Calm and care for yourself with cannabis. Find 100 activities, recipes, and ideas in these pages for incorporating THC…
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Sex Witch: Magickal Spells for Love, Lust, and Self-Protection
by Sophie Saint Thomas Author
Get out your radical sex positive tools and get ready to roll with this kinky, queer, and shamelessly…
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The Little Book of CBD for Self-Care: 175+ Ways to Soothe, Support, & Restore Yourself with CBD
by Sophie Saint Thomas Author
Elevate your self-care routine to it's highest level using the benefits of CBD with these 200 methods to improve your…
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