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Shaun Slifer is an artist, a member of the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative, and coauthor of the zine Digging Up a Tennessee Anarchist. He lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Firebrands: Activists You Didn't Learn About in School
by Justseeds Illustrator, Shaun Slifer Editor, Bec Young Editor, Josh MacPhee Contributor and Alec Dunn Contributor
This illustrated history celebrates American changemakers and revolutionaries that are often left out of public…
$15.95 10 comments
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Luddites poster
by Justseeds Author and Shaun Slifer Author
The Luddite insurrections (roughly 1811-1813 or later) are often represented as a misguided, reactionary backlash by…
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$25 Superpack: Occupy History
by Joe Biel Author, Author, Mia Partlow Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Abner Smith Author and Bec Young Author
A fabulous set about various heroic and duplicitous deeds! From Firebrands to six in print volumes of the CIA Makes…
$35.00 $25.00

$20 Superpack: Quarter Life Crisis Survival Pack
by Joe Biel Author, John Gerken Author, Ben Holtzman Author, Shaun Slifer Author, Super Pack! Author, Robert Wildwood Author and Bec Young Author
We know that times can be tough. Crises don't always wait til you're 40. Graduating from high school or college, trying…
$45.00 $20.00