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Samantha Cornelius, PhD, has worked with Indigenous languages and projects by and for Indigenous peoples since 2013. She completed her dissertation, Prosodic Phonology in Oklahoma Cherokee, in 2018, which examined tone and intonation interactions at word boundaries in the Cherokee language. Following her dissertation, she worked on a collaborative project on Cherokee pronominal prefixes from a cultural perspective with a Cherokee speaker and teacher (2019-2020), and she served as annotation manager for the Turtle Mountain Talking Dictionary Project (2021), which made an online dictionary for Michif.Since 2022, she has worked for the Chickasaw Nation Language Preservation Division on Chikashshanompaꞌ language documentation, archiving, and research. Her research interests include stress, rhythm, and intonation in Chikashshanompaꞌ, and traditional Chickasaw kinship.

Chikasa 1889: The Collins-Gatschet Chickasaw Manuscripts
by Juliet Morgan, PhD Author, Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Author and Samantha Cornelius, PhD Author
Originally composed by Chickasaw speaker and politician J. D. Collins and noted linguist Albert Samuel Gatschet, Chikasa…
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