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Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson, PhD) is the executive officer for the Chickasaw Nation Language Preservation Division and a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. A conversational speaker of Chikashshanompaꞌ and an award-winning artist, he holds a bachelor of fine arts in painting from Abilene Christian University, a master’s degree in Native American art history from the University of New Mexico, and a PhD in Native language revitalization from the University of Oklahoma. He served as the director of the Chickasaw Language Revitalization Program from 2007-2021 and is an advanced second language speaker of Chikashshanompaꞌ.

Chikasa 1889: The Collins-Gatschet Chickasaw Manuscripts
by Juliet Morgan, PhD Author, Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Author and Samantha Cornelius, PhD Author
Originally composed by Chickasaw speaker and politician J. D. Collins and noted linguist Albert Samuel Gatschet, Chikasa…
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Anompilbashsha' Asilhha' Holisso: Chickasaw Prayer Book
by Chickasaw Language Committee Author, Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Editor and Pamela Munro Editor
The Chickasaw Prayer Book contains prayers and scripture to offer hope, comfort, and blessings in Chickasaw and English.…
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A Concise Chickasaw Dictionary
by Vinne May Humes Author with Jesse Humes and Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Editor
A Concise Chickasaw Dictionary presents the two commonly used systems for spelling words of the Chickasaw language…
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Chikasha: The Chickasaw Collection at the National Museum of the American Indian
by Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Author, Mike Mckee Photographer and Matt Bradbury Photographer
Chikasha: The Chickasaw Collection at the National Museum of the American Indian presents a stunning survey of artifacts…
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Funny Fani'
by Wiley Barnes Author and Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Illustrator
In this illustrated children’s book, Funny Fani' (fuh-NEE') is a squirrel who loves animals. When she goes on a…
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Funny Fani'
by Wiley Barnes Author and Lokosh (Joshua D. Hinson) Illustrator
In this illustrated children’s book, Funny Fani' (fuh-NEE') is a squirrel who loves animals. When she goes on a…
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