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Bar Cart Style: creating super-chic cocktail stations
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
Bar carts have made a big comeback as house parties get increasingly popular, and now you can learn how to make your own…
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Garden Notes
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
Garden Notes is an valuable resource for planning and recording garden layouts and plant variety successes. It includes…
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Mocktails, Cordials, Syrups, Infusions and more: Over 80 delicious recipes for alcohol-free drinks
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
Whether you’re the DD, straight-edge, or now-sober, there’s no reason to not sip on a delicious libation (unless…
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Home-Grown Harvest: Delicious Ways to Enjoy Your Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
While growing your own food is undeniably satisfying, the question that comes after is how to use it creatively and…
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Vegan Snacks & Munchies
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
Vegan Snacks & Munchies provides 60 vegan recipes ranging from savory, to salty, to sweet, that will nourish and…
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Botanical Style Medium Spiral-Bound Notebook
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
Do you hate it when you have a lovely idea or fantastic dream but nowhere to record it? Do you fear wasting mental bon…
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Mighty Chickpea: Over 65 Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
If you like chickpeas, this is the book for you. If you don't, maybe you've never had them prepared the right way! Check…
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Guest Book Botanical Style
by Ryland Peters & Small Author
A great addition to your AirBnB or guest bedroom, or a great gift to send as commemoration of a visit, this guest book…
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